life is too short

to live with pain.


Monday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Friday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Sunday Closed


Welcome to Top Rehab therapy clinic

Our mission is going above and beyond expectations by giving the best outpatient physical therapy to our patients



MOHAMMAD HUSSEINPhysical Therapist
More than 15 years experience in physical therapy


Back pain can have many causes. It is not necessarily from underlying diseases. Back pain may be caused by overuse such as working out or lifting, prolonged sitting or even sleeping in an uncomfortable situation. These symptoms may result in the patient to be referred to physical therapy. With physical therapy, we can increase the strength of the core muscles of the body.

Foot and ankle pain are a common occurrence with active people. It may be caused by running, walking on uneven surfaces or hard jumps. Most often, these types of injuries happen when the foot twists inwards and the ligaments outside the ankle are stretched out or torn. Physical therapy treatments may include heat/ice and massage to the area. This will decrease the pain and improve mobility to the foot and ankle.

Hand, wrist and elbow pain can hinder your everyday life. Treatments include manual therapy, scar tissue management, exercises that strengthen the muscles and increase the range of motion. Some diagnosis that treated at Top Rehab is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis/Golf Elbow, Tendon Repair, Fracture, Arthritis, and Fractures.

The hip is a major weight-bearing joint in the body. It is responsible for many daily activities such as walking, running, standing, climbing stairs and sitting. Some patients who may have had or will have hip surgery will be referred to physical therapy. Hip therapy will involve increasing hip mobility, decreasing pain and strengthen muscles.

Whether you hurt your knee or had surgery physical therapy can address those issues. The largest cause of knee pain is arthritis with patients over the age of 65. Physical therapy will strengthen the knee with specific exercises as well as stretches including other treatment approaches.

When severe pain happens in the cervical region (neck) physicians usually refer you to physical therapy. The patient might have symptoms such as pain in the neck, shoulder blades, and numbness down the arms or fingers. An evaluation by our physical therapists will determine the main cause of the symptoms and plan treatment care that will allow the patient to improve.
The shoulder is a complex ball and socket joint that is made up of the humerus, scapula, and clavicle. Many reasons may cause shoulder pain. Overhead activities, poor sitting, poor posture, and trauma. Our therapists will address whatever the cause of the pain may be with strengthening and stretching the shoulder muscles.

Bell’s palsy is the irritation to the seventh cranial nerve. The cranial nerve controls the facial muscles when it becomes irritated the patient may experience facial weakness or paralysis. In most cases, Bell’s palsy affects only one side of the face. A Physical therapist will teach the patient how to perform facial exercises.

It is a form of manual physical therapy that is a hands-on technique on your muscles, ligaments, and fascia to break adhesions and optimizing your muscle function

The goal is to strengthen the inner muscles of the rib cage to change the shape of the upper trunk and to correct any spinal irregularities. The patient will be given strengthening exercises and corrective breathing techniques by the physical therapist.

The sciatic nerve is a term used to describe nerve pain in the leg that is caused by irritation and/or compressed of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve begins at the low back and radiates deep into the buttock, and travels down the leg. Physical therapy exercises incorporate a combination of strengthening, stretching, and aerobic condition

Temporal Mandibular joint is a pain at the jaw that is caused by different medical problems. TMJ is located just in the front of the ear on each side of your face, where the jaw meets the skull. Jaw pain and clicking are the most common symptoms of TMJ. Physical Therapy treatment may include ultrasound, moist heat and ice, and exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles.

Vertigo, dizziness, visual and balance issues can all be treated with Physical Therapy. The physical therapist will evaluate the patient and create a special program that will address all the needs of the patient

Kinesio taping is one specific way your physical therapist may use. It involves placing strips of special tape on the affected body part in a certain direction to help you improve mobility and support joints, muscles and tendons.